


Ongoing Protest In Fuoye, Ekiti, Over 10 Students Shot

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Ongoing Protest In Fuoye, Ekiti, Over 10 Students Shot

Fuoye, Ekiti: Tension has gripped the Federal University Oye-Ekiti (FUOYE) campus as an ongoing protest against a tragic incident involving a Dangote truck that claimed the life of a student took a violent turn. The situation escalated when security forces clashed with demonstrators, resulting in the unfortunate shooting of over 10 students.

The protest, which began as a peaceful demonstration, saw hundreds of FUOYE students taking to the streets to express their grievances over the fatal accident that occurred earlier this week. On Monday, a Dangote truck was involved in a tragic accident that led to the death of a 200-level student, Maryam Ajayi. The incident sparked outrage among the student body, leading to the demand for justice and stricter regulations regarding the movement of heavy trucks within the university town.

Students gathered outside the campus gates with placards bearing slogans such as “Justice for Maryam” and “Stop Reckless Truck Driving.” They called for immediate action against the driver of the Dangote truck involved in the accident and the implementation of safety measures to prevent similar occurrences.

However, as the protest progressed, tensions flared, and the situation became increasingly volatile. Eyewitnesses reported that a contingent of police officers and security personnel was deployed to disperse the crowd. The use of tear gas and rubber bullets by the security forces to control the situation eventually resulted in the tragic shooting of over 10 students.

The injured students were quickly rushed to nearby hospitals for medical treatment, with some reported to be in critical condition. The incident has further inflamed tensions on the FUOYE campus, with students demanding accountability for the actions of the security forces.

University authorities and the Ekiti State Government have issued statements condemning the violence and promising a thorough investigation into the incident. They have called for calm and urged students to allow the investigative process to run its course while also vowing to ensure justice for Maryam Ajayi.

The Vice-Chancellor of FUOYE, Professor Kayode Soremekun, expressed his condolences to the family of the deceased student and called for restraint among the students. “We share in the pain of the students and the family of Maryam Ajayi. This is a tragic incident that should never have occurred, and we are committed to ensuring justice is served,” he said.

The Governor of Ekiti State, Dr. John Fayemi, also issued a statement, assuring the public that those responsible for the violence would be brought to justice. He called for a peaceful resolution to the situation and urged all parties to engage in dialogue.

As night falls, the situation at FUOYE remains tense, with a heavy presence of security forces on campus to maintain order. Students, however, continue to demand justice for Maryam Ajayi and an end to reckless truck driving within the university town. It remains to be seen how the authorities will handle the ongoing crisis and whether peaceful dialogue will prevail over violence in the pursuit of justice.

This is a developing story, and further updates will be provided as the situation unfolds.

| September 16, 2023.


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