


Peter Obi Wasting Time Entertaining Nigerians At Presidential Tribunal – Pastor Giwa

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Giwa, during his sermon in Akure, said he knew Obi could not have gone too far, as no popularity on social media could stand the test of time.

Pastor Adewale Giwa

Pastor Adewale Giwa of Awaiting The Second Coming of Christ Ministry, has taken a swipe at Peter Obi, the presidential candidate of the Labour Party, LP, in the February 25th polls.

Giwa stated that Obi betrayed Alhaji Atiku and is only wasting his time entertaining Nigerians at the President Election Tribunal in Abuja.

Giwa, during his sermon in Akure, said he knew Obi could not have gone too far, as no popularity on social media could stand the test of time.

“When it is not your time, it is not your time! He betrayed his boss, Atiku, who brought him into the limelight. If you love Nigeria so much as proclaimed, why didn’t you wait in your political party to fight the battle? Suddenly, you changed and pretended that you were not part of the system that led us to where we are today.

“God can’t stomach arrogance, pretence, and betrayal, according to Proverbs 16:5. The Lord says he will put those upstairs in their place. We know all the politicians we will hold responsible should anything go wrong in Nigeria,” he said.

Daily Post further quoted Giwa as saying that “He is just wasting his time entertaining Nigerians; don’t forget that I told you that the last presidential election was between the two old men I described as thieves. I said the better one would eventually lead the country.”

Giwa said when he made mention of the fact that Obi was a social media presidential candidate, his people abused him because they did not want to listen to the truth.

He said they held a series of meetings with their pastors, who deceived them that they would win.

“Now, he has suddenly become a wealthy man at the expense of the poor people who didn’t know where he was heading. The truth is stranger than fiction, they say! Please, don’t waste your time, my brother. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart,” he said.

| June 19, 2023.


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